You accepted less because you thought a little was better than nothing. Know your worth. Trent Shelton
You accepted less because you thought a little was better than nothing. Know your worth.
Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law. Immanuel Kant
Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.
I thought yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life but it turns out today is. Steve Martin
I thought yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life but it turns out today is.
It was Elvis who really got me hooked on beat music. When I heard 'Heartbreak Hotel' I thought, this is it. Paul McCartney
It was Elvis who really got me hooked on beat music. When I heard 'Heartbreak Hotel' I thought, this is it.
In the new era, thought itself will be transmitted by radio. Guglielmo Marconi
In the new era, thought itself will be transmitted by radio.
At one point, I thought life was about acquiring things. Life is totally about losing everything. Mike Tyson
At one point, I thought life was about acquiring things. Life is totally about losing everything.
When I was younger, I just thought about playing in the NBA. Derrick Rose
When I was younger, I just thought about playing in the NBA.
I have never thought it necessary to patronize the American people James Mattis
I have never thought it necessary to patronize the American people
This kid came up with Napster, and before that, none of us thought of content protection. Morgan Freeman
This kid came up with Napster, and before that, none of us thought of content protection.
I stopped and I thought, 'What would Jesus do?' So I didn't exist. Bo Burnham
I stopped and I thought, 'What would Jesus do?' So I didn't exist.
I'll never forget the day I realized I wasn't quite the Ford model I thought I was. Amy Schumer
I'll never forget the day I realized I wasn't quite the Ford model I thought I was.
I believe the Republicans have never thought that democracy was anything but a tribal myth. Hunter S. Thompson
I believe the Republicans have never thought that democracy was anything but a tribal myth.