Derrick Mаrtеll Rоѕе (Bоrn Oсtоbеr 4, 1988) iѕ аn Amеriсаn рrоfеѕѕiоnаl basketball рlауеr fоr thе New Yоrk Kniсkѕ of thе Nаtiоnаl Basketball Association (NBA). He рlауеd оnе year оf college bаѕkеtbаll...
Everybody's got their poison, and mine is sugar. Derrick Rose
Everybody's got their poison, and mine is sugar.
As long as I have my faith in God, I'm good. I know everything else is going to come. Derrick Rose
As long as I have my faith in God, I'm good. I know everything else is going to come.
When I was younger, I just thought about playing in the NBA. Derrick Rose
When I was younger, I just thought about playing in the NBA.
My days shouldn't be hard because I'm doing what I'm doing and that's playing basketball. Derrick Rose
My days shouldn't be hard because I'm doing what I'm doing and that's playing basketball.
I wanna be great. I'm going to be great. There's no doubt about it. Derrick Rose
I wanna be great. I'm going to be great. There's no doubt about it.
All the days that you wake up you have one job and that's to get better, every single day. Derrick Rose
All the days that you wake up you have one job and that's to get better, every single day.
Hard work isn't enough. You got to believe. Derrick Rose
Hard work isn't enough. You got to believe.
I've been playing youth basketball ever since I was in sixth grade; I've been traveling ever since I was in sixth grade, so I'm used to it. Derrick Rose
I've been playing youth basketball ever since I was in sixth grade; I've been traveling ever since I was in sixth grade, so I'm used to it.
Whatever your goal is: dedicate yourself to it and it's going to be a lot of sacrifice, but if you love what you want to do, it shouldn't be a problem. Derrick Rose
Whatever your goal is: dedicate yourself to it and it's going to be a lot of sacrifice, but if you love what you want to do, it shouldn't be a problem.
I can't wait to shock the doubters and prove I'm better and stronger than I was before. Derrick Rose
I can't wait to shock the doubters and prove I'm better and stronger than I was before.
If i'm not trying my best, I might as well retire. Derrick Rose
If i'm not trying my best, I might as well retire.
We got to win. Win no matter what. Trip, kick somebody, fight, bite. Whatever. Win. Derrick Rose
We got to win. Win no matter what. Trip, kick somebody, fight, bite. Whatever. Win.