Robert Piсkеring "Bо" Burnhаm (Bоrn Auguѕt 21, 1990) iѕ аn Amеriсаn соmеdiаn, muѕiсiаn, ѕingеr, songwriter, rapper, actor, аnd роеt. Hе bеgаn hiѕ performance саrееr аѕ a YouTuber in Mаrсh 2006, аnd hi...
Quotes are for dumb people who can't think of something intelligent to say on their own. Bo Burnham
Quotes are for dumb people who can't think of something intelligent to say on their own.
Laughter is the best medicine, y'know, besides medicine. Bo Burnham
Laughter is the best medicine, y'know, besides medicine.
If I had a dime for every time a homeless guy asked me for change, I'd still say no. Bo Burnham
If I had a dime for every time a homeless guy asked me for change, I'd still say no.
Once a week, I like to slip into a deep existential depression where I lose all my sense of oneness and self-worth. Bo Burnham
Once a week, I like to slip into a deep existential depression where I lose all my sense of oneness and self-worth.
I think the comedy clubs tend to homogenize the acts a little bit, because they force them to be palatable in way too many environments. Bo Burnham
I think the comedy clubs tend to homogenize the acts a little bit, because they force them to be palatable in way too many environments.
If your belief is hateful towards people, I couldn't respect that. Bo Burnham
If your belief is hateful towards people, I couldn't respect that.
I misdirect the audience, so they have no idea where they are or who they're listening to. Bo Burnham
I misdirect the audience, so they have no idea where they are or who they're listening to.
I try and write satire that's well-intentioned. But those intentions have to be hidden. It can't be completely clear, and that's what makes it comedy. Bo Burnham
I try and write satire that's well-intentioned. But those intentions have to be hidden. It can't be completely clear, and that's what makes it comedy.
Squaring numbers are just like women. If they're under thirteen, just do them in your head. Bo Burnham
Squaring numbers are just like women. If they're under thirteen, just do them in your head.
Women are like puzzles because prior to 1920 neither had the right to vote. Puzzles still don't. Bo Burnham
Women are like puzzles because prior to 1920 neither had the right to vote. Puzzles still don't.
I stopped and I thought, 'What would Jesus do?' So I didn't exist. Bo Burnham
I stopped and I thought, 'What would Jesus do?' So I didn't exist.
In high school, I worked eight hours a day just so I could get into the college of my dreams and say that I got in - and I never went. Bo Burnham
In high school, I worked eight hours a day just so I could get into the college of my dreams and say that I got in - and I never went.