We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity. Marco Rubio
We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity.
Thе highest саlling of lеаdеrѕhiр iѕ tо unlock the роtеntiаl оf оthеrѕ. Carly Fiorina
Thе highest саlling of lеаdеrѕhiр iѕ tо unlock the роtеntiаl оf оthеrѕ.
Leadership can not be measured in a poll or even in the result of an election. It can only be truly seen with the benefit of time. From the perspective of 20 years, not 20 days. Marco Rubio
Leadership can not be measured in a poll or even in the result of an election. It can only be truly seen with the benefit of time. From the perspective of 20 years, not 20 days.
Leadership is all about people. It is not about organizations. It is not about plans. It is not about strategies. It is all about people-motivating people to get the job done. You have to be people-centered. Colin Powell
Leadership is all about people. It is not about organizations. It is not about plans. It is not about strategies. It is all about people-motivating people to get the job done. You have to be people-centered.
Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible. Colin Powell
Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible.
Fish recognize a bad leader. Conan Christopher O'Brien
Fish recognize a bad leader.
Chаrасtеr mаttеrѕ; leadership dеѕсеndѕ frоm character. Rush Limbaugh
Chаrасtеr mаttеrѕ; leadership dеѕсеndѕ frоm character.
You can never stop and as older people, we have to learn how to take leadership from the youth and I guess I would say that this is what I'm attempting to do right now. Angela Davis
You can never stop and as older people, we have to learn how to take leadership from the youth and I guess I would say that this is what I'm attempting to do right now.
A good leader doesn't get stuck behind a desk. Richard Branson
A good leader doesn't get stuck behind a desk.