Angela Yvоnnе Dаviѕ (Bоrn January 26, 1944) iѕ an Amеriсаn political activist, асаdеmiс, and аuthоr. Shе emerged аѕ a рrоminеnt соuntеrсulturе асtiviѕt аnd rаdiсаl in thе 1960ѕ as a leader оf the Cоmm...
I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change...I'm changing the things I cannot accept. Angela Davis
I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change...I'm changing the things I cannot accept.
What this country needs is more unemployed politicians. Angela Davis
What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.
You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time. Angela Davis
You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.
I never saw myself as an individual who had any particular leadership powers. Angela Davis
I never saw myself as an individual who had any particular leadership powers.
Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo - obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other. Angela Davis
Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo - obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other.
We must always attempt to lift as we climb Angela Davis
We must always attempt to lift as we climb
We are never assured of justice without a fight. Angela Davis
We are never assured of justice without a fight.
I have a hard time accepting diversity as a synonym for justice. Diversity is a corporate strategy. Angela Davis
I have a hard time accepting diversity as a synonym for justice. Diversity is a corporate strategy.
We live in a society of an imposed forgetfulness, a society that depends on public amnesia. Angela Davis
We live in a society of an imposed forgetfulness, a society that depends on public amnesia.
First of all, I didn't suggest that we should simply get rid of all prisons. Angela Davis
First of all, I didn't suggest that we should simply get rid of all prisons.
Justice is indivisible. You can't decide who gets civil rights and who doesn't. Angela Davis
Justice is indivisible. You can't decide who gets civil rights and who doesn't.
I think that has to do with my awareness that in a sense we all have a certain measure of responsibility to those who have made it possible for us to take advantage of the opportunities. Angela Davis
I think that has to do with my awareness that in a sense we all have a certain measure of responsibility to those who have made it possible for us to take advantage of the opportunities.