Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood. Henry Miller
Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood.
Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is. Steve Martin
Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.
I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief. Immanuel Kant
I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief.
It is the function of science to discover the existence of a general reign of order in nature and to find the causes governing this order. And this refers in equal measure to the relations of man - social and political - and to the entire universe as a wh Dmitri Mendeleev
It is the function of science to discover the existence of a general reign of order in nature and to find the causes governing this order. And this refers in equal measure to the relations of man - social and political - and to the entire universe as a wh
Thеrе will never be a nеw wоrld оrdеr until women аrе a раrt оf it. Alice Paul
Thеrе will never be a nеw wоrld оrdеr until women аrе a раrt оf it.
I shall express my belief that the earth, after having brought forth the first plants and animals at the beginning by order of the Supreme and Omnipotent Creator, has never produced any kinds of plants or animals, either perfect or imperfect. Francesco Redi
I shall express my belief that the earth, after having brought forth the first plants and animals at the beginning by order of the Supreme and Omnipotent Creator, has never produced any kinds of plants or animals, either perfect or imperfect.
This has always been a motto of mine: Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work. Bette Davis
This has always been a motto of mine: Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.
Physics is experience, arranged in economical order. Ernst Mach
Physics is experience, arranged in economical order.
If this suggestion is correct, the beginning of the world happened a little before the beginning of space and time. I think that such a beginning of the world is far enough from the present order of Nature to be not at all repugnant. Georges Lemaître
If this suggestion is correct, the beginning of the world happened a little before the beginning of space and time. I think that such a beginning of the world is far enough from the present order of Nature to be not at all repugnant.
It seemed necessary, therefore, to take unusual precautions in order to secure accurate observations, and to give each one its full weight. Henrietta Swan Leavitt
It seemed necessary, therefore, to take unusual precautions in order to secure accurate observations, and to give each one its full weight.
In order to compare different preparations, the activity of the enzyme is expressed as units per mg protein and is calculated for the amount of protein which is present in 1 cc. of reaction mixture. Gerty Cori
In order to compare different preparations, the activity of the enzyme is expressed as units per mg protein and is calculated for the amount of protein which is present in 1 cc. of reaction mixture.
Whenever the work is itself light, it becomes necessary, in order to economize time, to increase the velocity. Charles Babbage
Whenever the work is itself light, it becomes necessary, in order to economize time, to increase the velocity.