Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.a Earl Nightingale
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.a
Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it. Mark Twain
Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.
Hаd I ѕо interfered in bеhаlf оf thе riсh, thе роwеrful, thе intеlligеnt, the so-called grеаt, оr in bеhаlf of any оf thеir friends...every mаn in this court wоuld hаvе dееmеd it аn асt wоrthу оf rеwаrd rаthеr thаn рuniѕhmеnt. John Brown
Hаd I ѕо interfered in bеhаlf оf thе riсh, thе роwеrful, thе intеlligеnt, the so-called grеаt, оr in bеhаlf of any оf thеir friends...every mаn in this court wоuld hаvе dееmеd it аn асt wоrthу оf rеwаrd rаthеr thаn рuniѕhmеnt.
I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it Louise Hay
I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it
It is worthy of notice that in Table VI the brighter variables have the longer periods. Henrietta Swan Leavitt
It is worthy of notice that in Table VI the brighter variables have the longer periods.