It must ... be admitted that very simple relations ... exist between the volumes of gaseous substances and the numbers of simple or compound molecules which form them. Amedeo Avogadro
It must ... be admitted that very simple relations ... exist between the volumes of gaseous substances and the numbers of simple or compound molecules which form them.
Every society needs to examine itself in relation to other societies. Paulo Freire
Every society needs to examine itself in relation to other societies.
Not till we are lost, in other words not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations.” Henry David Thoreau
Not till we are lost, in other words not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations.”
There is synthesis when, in combining therein judgments that are made known to us from simpler relations, one deduces judgments from them relative to more complicated relations. André-Marie Ampère
There is synthesis when, in combining therein judgments that are made known to us from simpler relations, one deduces judgments from them relative to more complicated relations.
A straight line can readily be drawn among each of the two series of points corresponding to maxima and minima, thus showing that there is a simple relation between the brightness of the variables and their periods. Henrietta Swan Leavitt
A straight line can readily be drawn among each of the two series of points corresponding to maxima and minima, thus showing that there is a simple relation between the brightness of the variables and their periods.
As followers of natural science we know nothing of any relation between thoughts and the brain, except as a gross correlation in time and space. Charles Scott Sherrington
As followers of natural science we know nothing of any relation between thoughts and the brain, except as a gross correlation in time and space.
Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. Richard Feynman
Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.
This is because the number,direction,and shape of the bones that compose each part of an animal’s body are always in a necessary relation to all the other parts,in such a way that—up to a point—one can infer the whole from any one of them. Georges Cuvier
This is because the number,direction,and shape of the bones that compose each part of an animal’s body are always in a necessary relation to all the other parts,in such a way that—up to a point—one can infer the whole from any one of them.
Money is a nеw form оf ѕlаvеrу, and diѕtinguiѕhаblе frоm thе оld ѕimрlу bу thе fасt thаt it iѕ imреrѕоnаl - that thеrе is no humаn relation between mаѕtеr and ѕlаvе. Leo Tolstoy
Money is a nеw form оf ѕlаvеrу, and diѕtinguiѕhаblе frоm thе оld ѕimрlу bу thе fасt thаt it iѕ imреrѕоnаl - that thеrе is no humаn relation between mаѕtеr and ѕlаvе.
Thе country has соmе a long wау in rасе rеlаtiоnѕ, but the реndulum ѕwingѕ ѕо far back. Everyone wants tо be ѕо sensitive. Clint Eastwood
Thе country has соmе a long wау in rасе rеlаtiоnѕ, but the реndulum ѕwingѕ ѕо far back. Everyone wants tо be ѕо sensitive.
Since many cases are known in which the specificities of antigens and enzymes appear to bear a direct relation to gene specificities, it seems reasonable to suppose that the gene's primary. George Beadle
Since many cases are known in which the specificities of antigens and enzymes appear to bear a direct relation to gene specificities, it seems reasonable to suppose that the gene's primary.
Well, the thing that I learned as a diplomat is that human relations ultimately make a huge difference. Madeleine Albright
Well, the thing that I learned as a diplomat is that human relations ultimately make a huge difference.