The prize is such an extraordinary honor. It might seem unfair, however, to reward a person for having so much pleasure over the years, asking the maize plant to solve specific problems and then watching its responses. Barbara McClintock
The prize is such an extraordinary honor. It might seem unfair, however, to reward a person for having so much pleasure over the years, asking the maize plant to solve specific problems and then watching its responses.
It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people. E. B. White
It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people.
The Nobel Prize is fine, but the drugs I've developed are rewards in themselves. Gertrude B. Elion
The Nobel Prize is fine, but the drugs I've developed are rewards in themselves.
If I could explain it to the average person, I wouldn't have been worth the Nobel Prize. Richard Feynman
If I could explain it to the average person, I wouldn't have been worth the Nobel Prize.
Nobody would aim for a Nobel Prize because, if you didn't get it, your whole life would be wasted. What we were aiming at was getting people well, and the satisfaction of that is much greater than any prize you can get. Gertrude B. Elion
Nobody would aim for a Nobel Prize because, if you didn't get it, your whole life would be wasted. What we were aiming at was getting people well, and the satisfaction of that is much greater than any prize you can get.
The courage we desire and prize is not the courage to die decently, but to live manfully. Thomas Carlyle
The courage we desire and prize is not the courage to die decently, but to live manfully.
For me, it is a good thing to express my most sincere gratitude to the High Academy of Sciences for the extraordinary honor which it has shown to me by being among the outstanding men who have received the Nobel Prize so far. Carl Bosch
For me, it is a good thing to express my most sincere gratitude to the High Academy of Sciences for the extraordinary honor which it has shown to me by being among the outstanding men who have received the Nobel Prize so far.
When asked what characteristics Nobel prize winning physicists had in common ؛ I cannot think of a single one, not even intelligence. Enrico Fermi
When asked what characteristics Nobel prize winning physicists had in common ؛ I cannot think of a single one, not even intelligence.
Thanks to the high standing which science has for so long attain and to the impartiality of the Nobel Prize Committee, the Nobel Prize for Physics is rightly considered everywhere as the highest reward within the reach of workers in Natural Philosophy. Guglielmo Marconi
Thanks to the high standing which science has for so long attain and to the impartiality of the Nobel Prize Committee, the Nobel Prize for Physics is rightly considered everywhere as the highest reward within the reach of workers in Natural Philosophy.
No mаn nееdѕ ѕуmраthу bесаuѕе he has tо wоrk, bесаuѕе hе hаѕ a burdеn tо саrrу. Fаr аnd away thе best рrizе thаt lifе оffеrѕ iѕ thе сhаnсе tо work hаrd аt wоrk wоrth doing. Theodore Roosevelt
No mаn nееdѕ ѕуmраthу bесаuѕе he has tо wоrk, bесаuѕе hе hаѕ a burdеn tо саrrу. Fаr аnd away thе best рrizе thаt lifе оffеrѕ iѕ thе сhаnсе tо work hаrd аt wоrk wоrth doing.
Going to America is the best prize, so fingers crossed it will work out on Broadway. James Kimberley Corden
Going to America is the best prize, so fingers crossed it will work out on Broadway.