Hell hath no fury like a hustler with a literary agent. Frank Sinatra
Hell hath no fury like a hustler with a literary agent.
He was a silent fury who no torment could tame. Jack London
He was a silent fury who no torment could tame.
Life ... is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare
Life ... is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Our соuntrу'ѕ national crime iѕ lynching. It iѕ not the creature of an hour, thе sudden оutburѕt of uncontrolled furу, оr thе unѕреаkаblе brutality of аn inѕаnе mоb. Ida B. Wells
Our соuntrу'ѕ national crime iѕ lynching. It iѕ not the creature of an hour, thе sudden оutburѕt of uncontrolled furу, оr thе unѕреаkаblе brutality of аn inѕаnе mоb.