John Williаm Fеrrеll (Bоrn Julу 16, 1967) iѕ an American actor, соmеdiаn, рrоduсеr, аnd writеr. Hе first established himѕеlf in the mid-1990ѕ as a cast mеmbеr оn thе NBC sketch соmеdу ѕhоw Saturday Ni...
Inappropriate behavior makes me laugh. Will Ferrell
Inappropriate behavior makes me laugh.
I love playing the macho guy who looks like an idiot. Will Ferrell
I love playing the macho guy who looks like an idiot.
I'm a bit of a gourmet chef. I love cooking - mostly Thai food. Will Ferrell
I'm a bit of a gourmet chef. I love cooking - mostly Thai food.
I live by 'Earnin' and burnin'.' Meaning, I like to make money and spend it before I even have it. That's the way I live my life. Will Ferrell
I live by 'Earnin' and burnin'.' Meaning, I like to make money and spend it before I even have it. That's the way I live my life.
I might be more fluent in Swedish than I am in Spanish. My wife speaks it to our kids, and they're fluent so I hear it all the time, so I've got that under my belt. Will Ferrell
I might be more fluent in Swedish than I am in Spanish. My wife speaks it to our kids, and they're fluent so I hear it all the time, so I've got that under my belt.
I'm a Cancer; I'm music-passionate. I like long walks on the beach. Will Ferrell
I'm a Cancer; I'm music-passionate. I like long walks on the beach.
You tend to get reluctant to talk about anything until the day before filming. Will Ferrell
You tend to get reluctant to talk about anything until the day before filming.
There's always going to be someone as funny as you or funnier. Will Ferrell
There's always going to be someone as funny as you or funnier.
I would love to play Simon Cowell in a movie - heck, I would love it. It would be my dream role. Will Ferrell
I would love to play Simon Cowell in a movie - heck, I would love it. It would be my dream role.
I'm a selective pack rat. There's some things I have no problem getting rid of and others I hold onto dearly. Will Ferrell
I'm a selective pack rat. There's some things I have no problem getting rid of and others I hold onto dearly.
I've got no dark secrets, I wasn't beaten up, my parents were kind to me and there was a low crime rate where we lived. Maybe that's where the comedy comes from, as some sort of reaction to the safe, boring suburbs. Will Ferrell
I've got no dark secrets, I wasn't beaten up, my parents were kind to me and there was a low crime rate where we lived. Maybe that's where the comedy comes from, as some sort of reaction to the safe, boring suburbs.
I'm the minority in my house sometimes. My wife is Swedish, and we go to Sweden and everyone is rattling off in Swedish. It's like, 'OK, I can just read a book.' Will Ferrell
I'm the minority in my house sometimes. My wife is Swedish, and we go to Sweden and everyone is rattling off in Swedish. It's like, 'OK, I can just read a book.'