Hipparchus оf Nicaea (c. 190 – с. 120 BC) was a Grееk аѕtrоnоmеr, gеоgrарhеr, аnd mаthеmаtiсiаn.
Hе iѕ соnѕidеrеd the fоundеr оf trigоnоmеtrу but is mоѕt f...
Astronomy is the first of wisdom. Hipparchus
Astronomy is the first of wisdom.
I have composed a book on the length of the year in which I show that the tropical year contains 365 days plus a fraction of a day which is not exactly 1⁄4 day as the mathematicians-astronomers suppose, but which is less than 1⁄4 by about 1⁄300. Hipparchus
I have composed a book on the length of the year in which I show that the tropical year contains 365 days plus a fraction of a day which is not exactly 1⁄4 day as the mathematicians-astronomers suppose, but which is less than 1⁄4 by about 1⁄300.
Never deceive a friend. Hipparchus
Never deceive a friend.