Authors by Nationality/Profession

Name Date Nationality Profession Quotes
Aesop Aesop DIED 564 BC Greek 30
Anaximander Anaximander c. 610 – c. 546 BC Greek 9
Archimedes Archimedes c. 287 – c. 212 BC Greek 16
Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus of Samos c. 310 – c. 230 BC Greek 6
Aristotle Aristotle 384 BC-322 BC Greek 66
Empedocles Empedocles c. 490 – c. 430 BC Greek 18
Eratosthenes Eratosthenes c. 276 BC – c. 195/194 BC Greek 6
Euclid Euclid 300 BCE Greek 11
Euripides Euripides c. 480 – 406 BC Greek 0
Galen Galen 129 AD – c. 200/c. 216 Greek 24
Heraclitus Heraclitus c. 535 – 475 BC Greek 0
Hipparchus Hipparchus c. 190 – c. 120 bc Greek 3
Hippocrates Hippocrates 460BC-370BC Greek 21
Homer Homer 1184 -1194 BC. M. Greek 0
Pericles Pericles 495-429 BC Greek 6
Plato Plato 428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC Greek 28
Plutarch Plutarch AD (46-120) Greek 0
Ptolemy Ptolemy c. AD 100 – c. 170 Greek 10
Pythagoras Pythagoras c.570-c.495 BC Greek 7
Sophocles (Tragedian) Sophocles (Tragedian) 497-405 Bc Greek 1
Thales Thales c.624-c.546 BC Greek 8
Zeno of Citium Zeno of Citium c.334-c.262 BC Greek 7
Zeno of Elea Zeno of Elea c.490-c.430 BC Greek 4