Gеrtу Thеrеѕа Cori (Auguѕt 15, 1896 – Oсtоbеr 26, 1957) was a Czесh-Amеriсаn biochemist.
He became thе third woman—and firѕt American wоmаn—tо win a Nоbеl Prizе in science, а...
For a research worker the unforgotten moments of his life are those rare ones which come after years of plodding work, when the veil over natures secret seems suddenly to lift & when what was dark & chaotic appears in a clear & beautiful light & pattern. Gerty Cori
For a research worker the unforgotten moments of his life are those rare ones which come after years of plodding work, when the veil over natures secret seems suddenly to lift & when what was dark & chaotic appears in a clear & beautiful light & pattern.
A rabbit is killed by injection of amytal and the muscles of the hind legs and back are rapidly excised and weighed. Gerty Cori
A rabbit is killed by injection of amytal and the muscles of the hind legs and back are rapidly excised and weighed.
Muscle was chosen as starting material since in it the concentration of the enzyme is much higher than that found in other tissues. Gerty Cori
Muscle was chosen as starting material since in it the concentration of the enzyme is much higher than that found in other tissues.
A similar observation was made by Kiessling with yeast phosphorylase and led him to conclude that he had separated two enzymes, one concerned with glycogen synthesis, one with its breakdown. Gerty Cori
A similar observation was made by Kiessling with yeast phosphorylase and led him to conclude that he had separated two enzymes, one concerned with glycogen synthesis, one with its breakdown.
The number of enzyme units present are expressed ask multiplied by 1,000, for convenience. Gerty Cori
The number of enzyme units present are expressed ask multiplied by 1,000, for convenience.
Crystalline muscle phosphorylase has an activity of about 3,000 units per mg protein at pH 6.7 and 30º. Gerty Cori
Crystalline muscle phosphorylase has an activity of about 3,000 units per mg protein at pH 6.7 and 30º.
When enzyme activity was tested in the opposite direction a puzzling difficulty was encountered. Gerty Cori
When enzyme activity was tested in the opposite direction a puzzling difficulty was encountered.
For a detailed study of the action of phosphorylase and for an understanding of its mechanism, it appeared necessary to work with highly purified enzyme preparations. Gerty Cori
For a detailed study of the action of phosphorylase and for an understanding of its mechanism, it appeared necessary to work with highly purified enzyme preparations.
In order to compare different preparations, the activity of the enzyme is expressed as units per mg protein and is calculated for the amount of protein which is present in 1 cc. of reaction mixture. Gerty Cori
In order to compare different preparations, the activity of the enzyme is expressed as units per mg protein and is calculated for the amount of protein which is present in 1 cc. of reaction mixture.