Dylan O'Brien (born August 26, 1991) is an American actor and musician. He first received attention as "...
Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from Friends. Dylan O Brien
Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from Friends.
This is life and imperfection is beautiful and don’t be afraid of that. Dylan O Brien
This is life and imperfection is beautiful and don’t be afraid of that.
I'm a big root beer guy. Dylan O Brien
I'm a big root beer guy.
You don't disrupt genius at work. Dylan O Brien
You don't disrupt genius at work.
I didn't have that many friends my first few years of high school. It was very cliquey and I'm super shy, so it was hard to make friends. Dylan O Brien
I didn't have that many friends my first few years of high school. It was very cliquey and I'm super shy, so it was hard to make friends.
I'm never offered any sort of roles. I need to audition in a typically lengthy process to receive roles. Dylan O Brien
I'm never offered any sort of roles. I need to audition in a typically lengthy process to receive roles.
I didn't grow up acting. I really just started, literally, when I was 18. I just feel like it's a thing of always just experiencing it and growing, as a person. Dylan O Brien
I didn't grow up acting. I really just started, literally, when I was 18. I just feel like it's a thing of always just experiencing it and growing, as a person.
I never have an opinion about clothes and know nothing about fashion. Dylan O Brien
I never have an opinion about clothes and know nothing about fashion.
In real life I'd say we're more bromantic. It's like we're literally like a married couple kind of. Dylan O Brien
In real life I'd say we're more bromantic. It's like we're literally like a married couple kind of.
I don't really give much thought to the roles that I'd ideally love to play. Dylan O Brien
I don't really give much thought to the roles that I'd ideally love to play.
I don’t think teens make mistakes when they fall in love. You experience what you experience and you take away what you can from it; it is very human. Dylan O Brien
I don’t think teens make mistakes when they fall in love. You experience what you experience and you take away what you can from it; it is very human.
I love doing stunt stuff and action stuff. I'm not flipping off helicopters; that would be insane. Dylan O Brien
I love doing stunt stuff and action stuff. I'm not flipping off helicopters; that would be insane.