Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the...
Your best and wisest refuge from all troubles is in your science. Ada Lovelace
Your best and wisest refuge from all troubles is in your science.
The science of operations, as derived from mathematics more especially, is a science of itself, and has its own abstract truth and value. Ada Lovelace
The science of operations, as derived from mathematics more especially, is a science of itself, and has its own abstract truth and value.
Imagination is the Discovering Faculty, pre-eminently. It is that which penetrates into the unseen worlds around us, the worlds of Science. Ada Lovelace
Imagination is the Discovering Faculty, pre-eminently. It is that which penetrates into the unseen worlds around us, the worlds of Science.
What is imagination? It is a God-like, a noble faculty. It renders earth tolerable; it teaches us to live, in the tone of the eternal. Ada Lovelace
What is imagination? It is a God-like, a noble faculty. It renders earth tolerable; it teaches us to live, in the tone of the eternal.
Understand well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand. Ada Lovelace
Understand well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand.
That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal, as time will show. Ada Lovelace
That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal, as time will show.
I am in a charming state of confusion. Ada Lovelace
I am in a charming state of confusion.
As soon as I have got flying to perfection, I have got a scheme about a steam engine. Ada Lovelace
As soon as I have got flying to perfection, I have got a scheme about a steam engine.
If you can't give me poetry, can't you give me poetical science ? Ada Lovelace
If you can't give me poetry, can't you give me poetical science ?
I believe myself to possess a most singular combination of qualities exactly fitted to make me pre-eminently a discoverer of the hidden realities of nature. Ada Lovelace
I believe myself to possess a most singular combination of qualities exactly fitted to make me pre-eminently a discoverer of the hidden realities of nature.
The more I study, the more insatiable do I feel my genius for it to be. Ada Lovelace
The more I study, the more insatiable do I feel my genius for it to be.
Practical application for the purposes of mankind than the means hitherto in our possession have rendered possible. Ada Lovelace
Practical application for the purposes of mankind than the means hitherto in our possession have rendered possible.