Prentice Mulford was a noted literary humorist and California author. In addition, he helped found the New Thought movement. He also coined the term Law of Attraction.
Prentice Mulford Mind
Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force. Prentice Mulford
Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force.
NEW thought is new life. When an invention, a discovery first breaks on the inventor's mind, it fills him with joy. Prentice Mulford
NEW thought is new life. When an invention, a discovery first breaks on the inventor's mind, it fills him with joy.
No person could hold his or her physical body and enjoy life who as they lived on lived in the past and refused to set or open their minds to the future. Prentice Mulford
No person could hold his or her physical body and enjoy life who as they lived on lived in the past and refused to set or open their minds to the future.
This habit of thought can, through an unconscious training, grow to such an extent as to pervade a person's mind, at all times and places... Prentice Mulford
This habit of thought can, through an unconscious training, grow to such an extent as to pervade a person's mind, at all times and places...
All experiences are valuable for the wisdom they bring or suggest. Prentice Mulford
All experiences are valuable for the wisdom they bring or suggest.
In all business we must press on in mind to the successful result. Prentice Mulford
In all business we must press on in mind to the successful result.
There are thousands of things, events and scenes in your past life which it is more profitable to forget than to remember. Prentice Mulford
There are thousands of things, events and scenes in your past life which it is more profitable to forget than to remember.
You cannot accumulate your neighbour's powers; you can only grow and use yours alone. Prentice Mulford
You cannot accumulate your neighbour's powers; you can only grow and use yours alone.
You do actually make the "things before " pleasant or unpleasant for you according as you think of them in advance. Prentice Mulford
You do actually make the "things before " pleasant or unpleasant for you according as you think of them in advance.
The consciousness of such never-ending growth of improvement is also food for the growing mind, other than bread. Yet it is bread. It is the "Bread of Life," and to be desired as "Our Daily Bread." Prentice Mulford
The consciousness of such never-ending growth of improvement is also food for the growing mind, other than bread. Yet it is bread. It is the "Bread of Life," and to be desired as "Our Daily Bread."
As you place your reliance on the Infinite Mind to bring you out of all these agencies for ill, that mind in some way will bring many material aids to help you out. Prentice Mulford
As you place your reliance on the Infinite Mind to bring you out of all these agencies for ill, that mind in some way will bring many material aids to help you out.
Place yourself in a house where there has recently been a panic or scare, though you may know nothing of it. You were well and strong the day before. Prentice Mulford
Place yourself in a house where there has recently been a panic or scare, though you may know nothing of it. You were well and strong the day before.