Kevin Dаrnеll Hart (Bоrn July 6, 1979) iѕ аn American асtоr, соmеdiаn, writer, аnd рrоduсеr. Bоrn аnd raised in Philаdеlрhiа, Pеnnѕуlvаniа, Hаrt began hiѕ саrееr bу winning ѕеvеrаl аmаtеur соmеdу соmр...
Kevin Hart Poem
Kevin Hart Story
A lot of blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this career of mine. Kevin Hart
A lot of blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this career of mine.
It's a well-known fact that tall people are evil. Kevin Hart
It's a well-known fact that tall people are evil.
An unemployed court jester is nobody's fool. Kevin Hart
An unemployed court jester is nobody's fool.
My main goal is to be a self-made man and have control over what's mine. Kevin Hart
My main goal is to be a self-made man and have control over what's mine.
Almost anything can be funny if said the right way - but it has to be said the right way. Kevin Hart
Almost anything can be funny if said the right way - but it has to be said the right way.
Because I'm small, I've been called things from 'Happy Feet' to 'Little Face Kevin Hart
Because I'm small, I've been called things from 'Happy Feet' to 'Little Face
I'm not going to stop having problems. Kevin Hart
I'm not going to stop having problems.
My goal is to make everyone and anyone a Kevin Hart fan. Kevin Hart
My goal is to make everyone and anyone a Kevin Hart fan.
Some people are jerks, and some people aren't. Kevin Hart
Some people are jerks, and some people aren't.
A reputation as a hard worker is a good reputation to have. Kevin Hart
A reputation as a hard worker is a good reputation to have.