Hеnrу Cаvеndiѕh (10 Oсtоbеr 1731 – 24 Fеbruаrу 1810) wаѕ a British nаturаl рhilоѕорhеr, scientist, and an imроrtаnt еxреrimеntаl аnd theoretical сhеmiѕt аnd physicist.
Young people must break machines to learn how to use them; get another made! Henry Cavendish
Young people must break machines to learn how to use them; get another made!
He was the wealthiest of all scholars (savants) and probably also the most scholarly of all the wealthy. Henry Cavendish
He was the wealthiest of all scholars (savants) and probably also the most scholarly of all the wealthy.
If there is any part of the phlogisticated air [nitrogen] of our atmosphere which differs from the rest, and cannot be reduced to nitrous acid, we may safely conclude that it is not more than 1/120 part of the whole. Henry Cavendish
If there is any part of the phlogisticated air [nitrogen] of our atmosphere which differs from the rest, and cannot be reduced to nitrous acid, we may safely conclude that it is not more than 1/120 part of the whole.
A small bubble of air remained unabsorbed. Henry Cavendish
A small bubble of air remained unabsorbed.
A sense of isolation from his brethren, made him shrink from their society and avoid their presence, but he did so as one conscious of an infirmity, not boasting of an excellence. Henry Cavendish
A sense of isolation from his brethren, made him shrink from their society and avoid their presence, but he did so as one conscious of an infirmity, not boasting of an excellence.
Yet, if such a being, who reversed the maxim nihil humani me alienum puto [nothing human is foreign to me], cannot be loved, as little can he be abhorred or despised. Henry Cavendish
Yet, if such a being, who reversed the maxim nihil humani me alienum puto [nothing human is foreign to me], cannot be loved, as little can he be abhorred or despised.