Hаnѕ Albrесht Bеthе (Julу 2, 1906 – March 6, 2005) wаѕ a Gеrmаn аnd Amеriсаn nuсlеаr physicist.
Hе wаѕ in аdditiоn tо making imроrtаnt соntributiоnѕ to аѕtrорhуѕiсѕ, quantum electrodynam...
Well, I come down in the morning and I take up a pencil and I try to THINK. Hans Bethe
Well, I come down in the morning and I take up a pencil and I try to THINK.
Whether and when the various Nations of the World can agree to stop this is uncertain. But individual scientists can still influence this process by withholding their skills. Hans Bethe
Whether and when the various Nations of the World can agree to stop this is uncertain. But individual scientists can still influence this process by withholding their skills.
No one any longer pays attention to - if I may call it - the spirit of physics, the idea of discovery, the idea of understanding. Hans Bethe
No one any longer pays attention to - if I may call it - the spirit of physics, the idea of discovery, the idea of understanding.
An educated layman can, of course, not contribute to science, but can enjoy and participate in many scientific discoveries which as constantly made. Such participation was quite common in the 19th century, but has unhappily declined. Hans Bethe
An educated layman can, of course, not contribute to science, but can enjoy and participate in many scientific discoveries which as constantly made. Such participation was quite common in the 19th century, but has unhappily declined.
I am an atheist. Hans Bethe
I am an atheist.
In the process one has made four hydrogen atoms into one of helium. The theory, of course, was not made on the railway train from Washington to Ithaca. Hans Bethe
In the process one has made four hydrogen atoms into one of helium. The theory, of course, was not made on the railway train from Washington to Ithaca.
Finally I got to carbon, and as you all know, in the case of carbon the reaction works out beautifully. One goes through six reactions, and at the end one comes back to carbon. Hans Bethe
Finally I got to carbon, and as you all know, in the case of carbon the reaction works out beautifully. One goes through six reactions, and at the end one comes back to carbon.
It gives an understanding of the inside of the atom and of the whole universe, or the peculiar properties of the chemical substances and of the manner in which genes duplicate in biology. Hans Bethe
It gives an understanding of the inside of the atom and of the whole universe, or the peculiar properties of the chemical substances and of the manner in which genes duplicate in biology.
I am not a philosopher. Hans Bethe
I am not a philosopher.
Stars have a life cycle much like animals. They get born, they grow, they go through a definite internal development, and finally they die, to give back the material of which they are made so that new stars may live. Hans Bethe
Stars have a life cycle much like animals. They get born, they grow, they go through a definite internal development, and finally they die, to give back the material of which they are made so that new stars may live.
Today we are rightly in an era of disarmament and dismantlement of nuclear weapons. But in some countries nuclear weapons development still continues. Hans Bethe
Today we are rightly in an era of disarmament and dismantlement of nuclear weapons. But in some countries nuclear weapons development still continues.
I call on all scientists in all countries to cease and desist from work creating, developing, improving and manufacturing further nuclear weapons - and, for that matter, other weapons of potential mass destruction. Hans Bethe
I call on all scientists in all countries to cease and desist from work creating, developing, improving and manufacturing further nuclear weapons - and, for that matter, other weapons of potential mass destruction.