Guѕtаv Ludwig Hertz (22 July 1887 – 30 Oсtоbеr 1975) was a Gеrmаn еxреrimеntаl рhуѕiсiѕt аnd Nobel Prize winner, and a nephew of Heinrich Rudоlf Hеrtz.
Hertz Full Biography
As a special case we will now consider the excitation energy for producing the state associated with the term T = o. This is the term on which all the term series converge with increasing current numbers. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
As a special case we will now consider the excitation energy for producing the state associated with the term T = o. This is the term on which all the term series converge with increasing current numbers.
The fact that atoms are capable of exchanging energy with electromagnetic radiation, led the classical physicists to conclude that atoms must contain moving electrical charges. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
The fact that atoms are capable of exchanging energy with electromagnetic radiation, led the classical physicists to conclude that atoms must contain moving electrical charges.
The energy of an electron after the collision is studied by determining the retarding potential which it can still overcome. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
The energy of an electron after the collision is studied by determining the retarding potential which it can still overcome.
We need not discuss here the reasons for this particular arrangement of the terms. What is important, is that the frequency of every spectral line is equal to the difference between two terms. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
We need not discuss here the reasons for this particular arrangement of the terms. What is important, is that the frequency of every spectral line is equal to the difference between two terms.
According to Bohr it was be expected that on further rise in. the velocity of the impacting electrons the other spectral lines would appear in succession at the excitation potentials calculated from the series diagram. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
According to Bohr it was be expected that on further rise in. the velocity of the impacting electrons the other spectral lines would appear in succession at the excitation potentials calculated from the series diagram.
In the other elements the situation is in varying degrees more complicated than in the case of hydrogen. All series spectra however have one property in common with that of hydrogen. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
In the other elements the situation is in varying degrees more complicated than in the case of hydrogen. All series spectra however have one property in common with that of hydrogen.
Hence, only given amounts of energy can be transferred to the atom, and each of the possible energy amounts is equal to the excitation energy of a given excited state of the atom. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
Hence, only given amounts of energy can be transferred to the atom, and each of the possible energy amounts is equal to the excitation energy of a given excited state of the atom.
In the experimental investigation of these processes a given energy is usually imparted to the electrons by accelerating them by a given voltage. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
In the experimental investigation of these processes a given energy is usually imparted to the electrons by accelerating them by a given voltage.
The reason why the energy levels are negative here, is simply due to the omission of an arbitrary constant which has always to be added to the energy; here it is omitted because we are simply determining the energy differences. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
The reason why the energy levels are negative here, is simply due to the omission of an arbitrary constant which has always to be added to the energy; here it is omitted because we are simply determining the energy differences.