Gоttliеb Wilhеlm Dаimlеr (17 Mаrсh 1834 – 6 Mаrсh 1900) wаѕ an engineer, induѕtriаl designer аnd induѕtriаliѕt bоrn in Schorndorf, in whаt iѕ now Germany.
He was a рiоnееr Full Biography
Happy that those days are over, when I oversaw the bustle of business. Wish you all the best. Gottlieb Daimler
Happy that those days are over, when I oversaw the bustle of business. Wish you all the best.
The best or nothing at all. Gottlieb Daimler
The best or nothing at all.
I let you know that I brought the family happily into the home country. I hope it will be a good move for my wife, the boys like it there. Sincerely to all of you. Gottlieb Daimler
I let you know that I brought the family happily into the home country. I hope it will be a good move for my wife, the boys like it there. Sincerely to all of you.
My heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of a lightfire. The beloved ones will be happy that they now have a little sister and the boys not less. Hope that mother and child are well. Gottlieb Daimler
My heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of a lightfire. The beloved ones will be happy that they now have a little sister and the boys not less. Hope that mother and child are well.