Franz Anton Beckenbauer (born 11 September 1945) is a German former professional footballer and manager. Early in his playing career he was nicknamed Der Kaiser ("The Emperor") because of his elegant style, dominance...
Possession means nothing when the opponent takes its chances Franz Beckenbauer
Possession means nothing when the opponent takes its chances
Since Sven Goran Eriksson took over, England have been fantastic. Franz Beckenbauer
Since Sven Goran Eriksson took over, England have been fantastic.
There's only one possibility: win, draw or loose. Franz Beckenbauer
There's only one possibility: win, draw or loose.
It is not the strong one that wins, the one that wins is strong. Franz Beckenbauer
It is not the strong one that wins, the one that wins is strong.
You know the Dutch, they're always a bit funny... some of them. Franz Beckenbauer
You know the Dutch, they're always a bit funny... some of them.