Williаm Brоdеriсk Crawford (Dесеmbеr 9, 1911 – Aрril 26, 1986) wаѕ аn Amеriсаn ѕtаgе, film, radio, аnd TV асtоr, оftеn cast in tоugh-guу rоlеѕ аnd bеѕt knоwn fоr his portrayal оf Williе Stаrk in...
I collect antiques. Why? Because they're beautiful. Broderick Crawford
I collect antiques. Why? Because they're beautiful.
When people tell you they saw your last picture - well, the way they say it sounds like they hope it was. Broderick Crawford
When people tell you they saw your last picture - well, the way they say it sounds like they hope it was.
I have a jaundiced eye but a young mind. Broderick Crawford
I have a jaundiced eye but a young mind.
I only go to mass when somebody asks me, but when I get in trouble I call for a priest. Broderick Crawford
I only go to mass when somebody asks me, but when I get in trouble I call for a priest.
I was always the second heavy. Broderick Crawford
I was always the second heavy.
It's hard to explain why I like Europe so much. Broderick Crawford
It's hard to explain why I like Europe so much.
My trademarks are a hoarse, grating voice and the face of a retired pugilist: small narrowed eyes set in puffy features which look as though they might, years ago, have lost on points. Broderick Crawford
My trademarks are a hoarse, grating voice and the face of a retired pugilist: small narrowed eyes set in puffy features which look as though they might, years ago, have lost on points.
If you're going to be a bum, be the biggest. If you're going to blow it, blow it big. Broderick Crawford
If you're going to be a bum, be the biggest. If you're going to blow it, blow it big.
My father was always telling himself no one was perfect, not even my mother. Broderick Crawford
My father was always telling himself no one was perfect, not even my mother.
I'm a lousy reader. Broderick Crawford
I'm a lousy reader.
So don't applaud. Just send me the check. Broderick Crawford
So don't applaud. Just send me the check.
I get a wild hair up my nose and I want to go. Broderick Crawford
I get a wild hair up my nose and I want to go.