Allan Lоkоѕ iѕ thе fоundеr аnd guiding tеасhеr оf the Cоmmunitу Mеditаtiоn Cеntеr located оn Nеw York Citу’ѕ uрреr wеѕt side. Hе iѕ thе аuthоr of Pосkеt Pеасе: Effective Practices fоr Enlightеnе...
Allan Lokos Life
You cannot control the results, only your actions. Allan Lokos
You cannot control the results, only your actions.
Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that - thoughts. Allan Lokos
Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that - thoughts.
Patience is the direct antithesis of anger. Allan Lokos
Patience is the direct antithesis of anger.
Patience has all the time it needs. Allan Lokos
Patience has all the time it needs.
True patience is grounded in wisdom & compassion. Allan Lokos
True patience is grounded in wisdom & compassion.
Do not speak about anyone who is not physically present. Allan Lokos
Do not speak about anyone who is not physically present.
When we are aware of our weaknesses or negative tendencies, we open the opportunity to work on them. Allan Lokos
When we are aware of our weaknesses or negative tendencies, we open the opportunity to work on them.
Support the type of thinking that leads you to feeling good, peaceful and happy. Allan Lokos
Support the type of thinking that leads you to feeling good, peaceful and happy.
One who is patient glows with an inner radiance. Allan Lokos
One who is patient glows with an inner radiance.
Accepting the reality of change gives rise to equanimity. Allan Lokos
Accepting the reality of change gives rise to equanimity.
Compassion is not complete if it does not include oneself. Allan Lokos
Compassion is not complete if it does not include oneself.
The art of peaceful living comes down to living compassionately & wisely. Allan Lokos
The art of peaceful living comes down to living compassionately & wisely.