Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 G G -31 March 1727, or December 25, 1642 J J -20 March 1727) is a philosopher, mathematician, physicist, alchemist, astronomer and English theologian, puisbritannique. Emblematic of Sciences, he is best known for founding the classical mechanics, for his theory of universal gravitation and the creation in competition with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the calculus. In optics, he developed a theory of color based on the observation that a prismedécompose white light into a visible spectrum. He also invented the reflecting telescope consists of a mirror primaireconcave called Newton telescope.
In mechanics, he established the three universal laws of motion which are actually the principles at the base of the great Newton's theory about the movement of bodies, a theory that today is called "Newtonian mechanics" or "mechanical classic. "
1564 - 1616
1803 – 1882
1854 – 1900
1942 – 2016
1928 – 2014
1835 – 1910
1869 – 1948
1884 – 1962
1898 – 1963
1929 – 1993
1879 – 1955
1809 – 1865
1807 – 1870
1800 – 1859
1795 – 1821
1755 – 1793
1984 -
1989 – 2011
1943 – 2001
1815 – 1902
1929 – 1994
1767 – 1848